Home CANADA Can I Work Two Jobs in Canada?

Can I Work Two Jobs in Canada?


Are you interested in working two jobs in Canada? But as an immigrant, you are wondering if it’s a right or wrong decision. Although most Canadian provinces do not have a problem with it, so long you can properly manage both jobs.

However, you must be cognizant of some factors before you decide to work two jobs in Canada. Working two full-time jobs in Canada implies that you have to work up to 80 hours per week. Since a full-time job demands that you work for 40 hours per week. Even if you already have a full-time job or not, most employers will still offer you the job if you’re qualified. Meanwhile, you’ll be expected to concentrate fully on both jobs as no employer will accept you not doing their job efficiently irrespective of your second job. Now ask yourself, can you work two jobs in Canada and meet up with both demands?


What Does it Mean to Work Two Jobs?

Working two jobs is when an employee with a full-time job takes on a second job with another employer. Although the second job might be part-time or full-time. In the federal employee context, having dual employment can translate to something different.

In other words, dual employment (two jobs) occurs when a permanent employee of a company or organization takes another government position for a certain period. Read on as we dive in to some of the factors you should consider before you take up that second job.

Factors To Consider Before Securing Two Jobs

You should consider the following factors before you decide to work two jobs. Whether two full-time jobs or one full-time and one part-time job. Scroll down, let’s go mate!


1. Health Status

Before anything at all, you should first consider your health, and whether you are physically fit for the workload and stress of two jobs. However, if you have any pre-existing health conditions, working two full-time jobs is a very bad decision for you. Even if you are physically and medically sound, taking on two full-time jobs will be demanding and stress you out. Furthermore, stress from the job’s workload could lead to life-threatening health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, or cancer. Therefore, considering your health should be paramount to you overworking two jobs in Canada.

2. Flexibility of the Jobs

Before deciding to work two jobs in Canada, you should make inquiries on the flexibility of the jobs. You should ask if you can choose the hours or days of work. Also, if it’s allowed for you to work from home. However, the answers you get to these questions will help you determine if the jobs are flexible or not. It’s not a wise decision to take on two full-time jobs that are not flexible, so you can avoid conflict during working hours.

3. Employment Contract

In Canada, it’s not a crime to work two full-time jobs. However, if you already have a full-time job, reviewing your employment contract is essential. In the employment contract, some companies usually state that their employees cannot have a second job. Therefore, it is wrong for you to work two full-time jobs if your first job has earlier stated otherwise.

4. Taxation

Meanwhile, working two full-time jobs with two different employers in two different companies will attract very high tax rates. So before you take up two jobs, it’s advisable to run an estimate of how much you’ll likely be spending on tax. If tax will be gulping too much of your earnings, then working two full-time jobs doesn’t make any sense. Furthermore, evading tax is a serious criminal offense that could land you in jail, therefore, it’s not an option.

5. Location

Another factor to consider before working two jobs in Canada is the job location. You need to consider the distance between your two jobs. In case the locations are not too far apart, it’ll be very easy to run both jobs with less stress. Therefore, you may accept both jobs but should consider other factors as well.

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6. Demands of the Two Jobs

Another factor you should put into consideration is, how demanding are the two full-time jobs. However, some full-time jobs can make you stand for almost seven hours or more daily. So I ask you, are you physically strong enough to resume the second job that might take another seven hours? If you are mentally and physically strong for the two full-time jobs, then go ahead.

Advantages Of Working Two Full-Time Jobs in Canada

Below, we have compiled some advantages of working two jobs in Canada. Scroll down!

  1. Two streams of income: Working two full-time jobs simply means you have a double income channel. You will surely make more money from two full-time jobs than one.
  2. A backup plan: However, it’s not feasible that you will lose both jobs at once. Therefore, working two full-time jobs shows that you’ll have a job to fall back on in case you lose any.
  3. Meeting more people: Having two full-time jobs allows you to meet more people and network.
  4. Better resilience: When you work on two jobs, you get to learn how to be resilient despite being in challenging situations. Over time, you can learn to work on new tasks, build expertise, and overcome varied challenges from both positions. Also, you get to handle multiple tasks which will teach you how to organize yourself so that you can work on high-priority projects.

Disadvantages Of Working Two Full-Time Jobs in Canada

Below, we have explained some disadvantages of working two jobs in Canada. Read on!

  1. Health challenges: Working 40 hours or more every week will have a detrimental effect on your body and general health. You can develop stress-induced health challenges due to the workload.
  2. High tax rates: As stated earlier, having two different employers attract higher tax rates that cannot be evaded.
  3. Low productivity: Additionally, you might end up not doing your jobs efficiently especially when the jobs are not flexible ones. For instance, if you worked for seven/eight hours at Job A and you’re expected to work at Job B for the same amount of time, your productivity level will be reduced at Job B.

Tips For Working Two Jobs in Canada

If you wish to work in two jobs, these tips that we have prepared will help you manage both jobs efficiently.

  1. You should search for jobs that will give you flexibility. However, you can negotiate your working hours or days with your employer. If the jobs are flexible, you can decide where and when you will work since you can’t be at two different workplaces at the same time.
  2. In case picking a second job is not permissible for your first job, you can choose to review your employment contract or dialogue with your employer. However, most employers usually restrict you from working with the company’s competitors. In situations like this, do your findings to be sure your second job isn’t with the competitors of your first job to avoid conflict of interest.
  3. Make sure that none of the two jobs is demanding. However, for you to successfully manage two jobs, at least one of the two jobs should not be demanding. With your second job, you should not have to travel far or work for long hours
  4. To reduce your tax rates, you can seek professional advice from tax professionals to educate you on the number of exemptions you can file for. Furthermore, you should try and set personal daily goals and ensure you meet up with them. Also, you must avoid procrastination as much as you can as procrastination is a thief of time.
  5. If any of the jobs allow you to work remotely, you can ask for help from your friends or family members. Although this will not only increase your efficiency level but will help you get some resting period.
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What Effect Do Two Full-time Jobs Have on Taxation in Canada?

The tax rates for working two full-time jobs with different employers in Canada are significantly high and not favorable at all. Therefore, you need to carefully think and do the math of the money you’ll be left with after taxation.

  1. You will need to make calculations of how much you will lose to tax and then conclude if it’s worth it or not.
  2. Never think of not paying your tax, as you must fill in the TD1 (Personal Tax Credits Return) form and issue it to your new employer to get lower tax rates.
  3. Your employer will then keep the TD1 form together with your other credentials. However, the TD1 form will be used to ascertain the tax rate that will be deducted from your salary.
  4. There are different types of TD1 forms in Canada and it include Federal, Provincial, or Territorial Personal Tax Credits Return forms. Additionally, all Canadian provinces or territories have their unique TD1 forms, which are distinctive to their employees.

Working for an Independent Employer

Moreover, assuming you intend to work for a company or an independent contractor like an attorney, engineer, or Consultants.

  1. You will need to calculate your total income as you complete your Internal Revenue tax form for the new job. However, you can make your calculations via the online IRS calculator to determine the value of your tax liability.
  2. Another way is for you to get counselling from an accountant or a tax professional. Furthermore, they will educate you on how many tax exemptions you must file. As well as also advise if you need more funds withheld to cover the taxes due on your total income.

Tax Evasion in Canada is Against the Law

Tax evasion is a serious offense in Canada and can subject you to criminal charges and serious implications, therefore, it’s a necessity to always file your tax returns when needed.


Do I Have to Open up on Dual Jobs to My Employer?

Assuming that nothing in your employment contract stops you from taking a second job, you are not legally required to tell your employer about your second job. However, it’s critical to be sincere to maintain trust with your employer/s. Therefore, informing your employer about your wish to secure a second job in advance is essential so that everyone will be on the same page. As well as avoid any form of unpleasant surprises as the job proceeds. Also, you need to inform your second employer about your pre-existing employment.

What are Examples of Canadian Full-time Jobs?

Counter clerks, full-time crew members at a restaurant, security supervisors, medical laboratory technicians, full-time cashiers, personal support workers, and many more.

Who can do full-time jobs in Canada?

  • Canadian citizens that are of working age.
  • Canada’s permanent residents.
  • Certain visitors and temporary work permit holders in Canada.
  • International students during scheduled breaks or holidays.

Is it legal to work two full-time jobs in Canada?

The short answer is yes. Going for two jobs when you are unemployed or underemployed makes sense because it can help you make ends meet. Legal experts advise that working too much may jeopardize your health.


However, taking on a part-time job while holding down another full-time one has no legal implications in Canada, provided that your employer is not violating any laws or regulations.