Home UNITED KINGDOM Understanding the Job Scarcity for International Graduates in the UK

Understanding the Job Scarcity for International Graduates in the UK


International students now face an enormous challenge in securing work after graduation, with news channels and social media platforms full of reports on job scarcity for international graduates in the UK.

This news is spreading like wildfire and impacting the psychology of other students afraid of relocating to the UK. People believe it unquestioningly. Although it is true, well, not entirely, there are some reasons for job scarcity for international graduates in the UK.


Understanding and correcting the root cause will help you get a prolific job in the country. This article will discuss extensively the reasons for this job scarcity.

No Assistance at the University 

Students believe that they will get career opportunities after getting a graduation degree at a top university. However, universities nowadays need to give guidance and assistance to students.

Even the universities that claim to have a 100% placement rate should provide more opportunities to the students. The career services of the universities in the United Kingdom need to improve daily.

According to a recent survey, it has been observed that around 2% of graduate degree holders got jobs using the universities’ career services while the rest remain unemployed.


So, the lack of assistance at the university is the foremost reason international students are not getting jobs in the UK. 

Huge Competition in the Job Market

Students from more than 130 countries relocate to the United Kingdom for top-quality education. After graduation, they decide to stay there and obtain a job there.

That is why not only is the population in the UK rising, but also the competition is rising. Because of the high competition, it is becoming difficult for students to get a job, and they are becoming unemployed there.

No Previous Work Experience 

There is nothing to deny that most companies don’t accept freshers. The reason is they want to save training time. They need people with previous work experience to handle the job responsibilities perfectly.

Many students only have academic knowledge and no previous work experience. So, they need help to get a job. Even though you don’t have any work experience, it is better to develop a skill because skilled workers are required in the UK.

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This way, you can quickly get a job based on your skills even though you don’t have any work experience. 

Lack of Preparation for the Interview 

Students usually need to appear for an interview before they get hired by the company. They take the interview lightly and don’t prepare for it. As a result, they cannot tackle questions in the interview and don’t even know how to speak formally during the interview.

Moreover, those with poor communication skills also can’t answer the questions correctly. Therefore, it is better to practice well and see the interview videos as much as possible to prepare for the interview perfectly. 

Improper CV

Your CV will leave the first impression on the employer. However, many students don’t know how to write an appropriate CV. They copy one another and don’t mention their actual skills.

Because the content in the CV is copied, it doesn’t impress the employers. As a result, they don’t call some students for an interview. Therefore, you must make a proper CV with all your qualifications, skills, and work experience. 

Fewer Possibilities 

Understanding the Job Scarcity for International Graduates in the UK

As stated earlier, there are fewer opportunities for international graduates in the UK with no special skills. There is a high demand for skilled workers in the UK and more opportunities for those who need to be qualified.

So, fewer job opportunities are the other reason international students are not getting jobs in the UK.

Poor Command of the English Language

We are all well-acquainted with the fact that English is the official language in the UK, and employers are often looking for people with a good command of the English language.

Some employees doubt that international students might not have good English language skills and they won’t be able to communicate with others fluently. This is also why international students are not getting job opportunities in the UK. 

You Can’t Sell Yourself if You Don’t Know Yourself

One of the trickiest aspects of interviews that new graduates often fail at is knowing how and having the confidence to sell themselves. A good career coach works holistically with clients; confidence training is crucial.

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Many graduates don’t know what skills they have or what skills they can demonstrate on a CV or in person in an interview. The successful interviewee is the one who knows how and when to advocate for their abilities and boast about their accomplishments.

They also ensure that hiring managers know they want the job and can provide evidence of why they’re fit for the role.

Fear of Being Unstable 

Employers are always skeptical about international students’ stability. They fear that they will leave the job either 6 months or a year after the recruitment.

Training the other employees will consume a lot of time and effort. So, they need a stable person who can do the job for a long time. That is why they avoid hiring international students and prefer local candidates. 

Visa Related Issues

The UK government allows graduates to work for 2 years in the country after graduation. Sometimes, working visas are withdrawn due to the country’s policy changes.

The United Kingdom’s work policies for international students change when the economy weakens. So, when the economy faces a downfall, it dramatically impacts the students’ job opportunities.

This results in a lack of employment opportunities for the students as they don’t get a job opportunity in the UK on their student visa and work permit.

In addition, some employers are unaware of the graduate visa scheme and don’t allow students, thinking that international students are not allowed to work in the UK on a student visa.

So, these kinds of problems are increasing the unemployment rate of international students in the UK. 


Wrapping Up

There are numerous jobs for international graduates in the UK. However, students need to take care of a few things to get the desired job with a high pay scale. Don’t let the above-mentioned reasons hurt your career; tackle these issues appropriately.